For more than 50 years, the National Championship Air Races have been held annually in Reno, Nevada. This year MotoArt will be returning to the races to celebrate and cheer on some of the fastest and most daring planes and pilots - including two Sea Furies in particular, Argonaut (#114) and Dreadnought (#8).

The Sea Fury was a British fighter-bomber, developed during WWII for the Royal Navy. It was the Royal Navy’s last propeller driven fighter, and also one of the fastest single piston-engined production aircraft ever built. It is powerful, agile, and well suited for the Unlimited Class of air racers - which consists almost entirely of highly modified and stock World War II fighters.
*Important Notice – Please Read Carefully
PlaneTags are made from actual retired aircraft fuselage, not merely stamped metal. Because PlaneTags are made from real fuselage, each PlaneTag bears the colour, thickness, and wear and tear from the portion of the fuselage from which it was cut and it is therefore rare to create two identical PlaneTags. These variations and imperfections are not product flaws. They are part of the beauty of PlaneTags. As a result, you will have a limited option to select the colour of your PlaneTag. The images on this website are provided for reference only and should not be used as the sole basis for choosing a particular PlaneTag.
Caution: Not recommended for children under 8 years of age. This product contains chemical-based paint which may cause respiratory irritation if ingested or inhaled in large quantities. Keep out of mouth.